We've spent the last few weeks in Ohio,
our stomping grounds,
feeling out a sense of home.
Which came to us while with family; much-anticipated days that were every bit as warm and lovely as we could have hoped.
We also got to join the ranks of fine citizens everywhere who suffered a crazy bout of holiday-time flu.
(Less-than-special gift.)
Mine hit while we were with Justin's family, and his came while we were with mine.
(Apparently we enjoy a good balance when one can be achieved.)
But I do have to say: if one must get sick, what better time than when he/she's off the road and holed up with family, surrounded by a ridiculous amount of compassionate coddling.
We're two lucky Goldens.
Besides, all of that was so very short-lived...
The Christmas season bloomed into a seriously refreshing New Year.
(Confession: Usually the New Year feels distinctly arbitrary. We don't typically make resolutions (we didn't this year either), nor do we generally feel that January 1st is a particularly fine time for starting over.
Which is not so much cynicism as a manifestation of stubborn will. I simply like to think I can make a fresh start whenever I want, thank you very much, calendar be d**ned.))
But this January has felt like an honest beginning.
We came home from our family travels, looked around, saw too much stuff, and feverishly listed a hearty pile on Craigs List.
(A quick shout out to Spontaneous Purging.) :)
Our home is much emptier now, in a peaceful, new-beginning kind of way that put a fresh spin on nearly everything.
Especially since we've been able to spend most of January IN our home... Waking up in our own bed, playing music in the living room, making several daily pots of coffee to keep the cold at bay. Calls to friends, card games at the kitchen table, trips to the local Skyline, working & rehearsing in familiar corners, and making plans for tours around the midwest and out to the east coast.
A very exciting time.
It's a beautiful, tragic, defeating, hopeful, lofty, intimate, wide-open life we all live.
And seasons like this - Home, Family, Belonging - they root Justin & I, let us take in the rest of our lives without feeling so much like we're going to blow away, or like we're simply surviving, like we're gliding along on the whim of God-Knows-What.
An immense gift.
The best we can wish for you is something similar: That you'll feel loved and grounded, ready to lift off.
(By the way, if you've heard a song, seen a movie, or read a book that's inspired you this season, we'd love for you to share it -- Please leave a comment!)
So here's to a sense of Home.
We hope the New Year brings us near you soon.
--Tasha & Justin
I miss you guys. Cincinnati has such a good local scene. I guess I'll do my bi-monthly, play the PacNW bid... :)
~Dan (in Eugene, but close to Portland, OR)
Make sure you visit Minneapolis.
I highly recommend you try out www.listography.com watch out. It's terribly addicting. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is immensely thought-provoking and the acoustic version of Dave Matthews' "Stay or Leave" is the perfect winter song, in my opinion.
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